The Hospital Research Foundation Group Impact Report - Flipbook - Page 42
Living well with Parkinson’s
In Australia, 150,000 people live with Parkinson’s or
other neurological conditions.
And contrary to popular belief, Parkinson’s is not just
an older person’s disease, with 20% of all diagnoses
coming in people under 40. With your kind donations,
we are helping people live well with Parkinson’s through
specialised support, services and world-leading research.
Investigating whether spider venom
can be used to treat Parkinson’s
Delivering allied health services
(occupational therapy, counselling),
nurse care, peer support groups,
social activities, exercise and
education sessions
Implementing F-DOPA scanning
technology on hundreds of participants
to advance Parkinson’s research
Expanding nurse consultations and
support across regional centres
Furthering research into the
‘gut-brain axis’ to better understand
how Parkinson’s develops
Investigating best-practice care
and management for Parkinson’s
Investigating light therapy and
exercise as non-drug therapies for
Parkinson’s symptoms.
Reinstating Deep Brain Stimulation for
public patients at Flinders Medical Centre
Southern & Central Adelaide
Local Health Networks
Finding the missing piece to neurodegeneration
Your donations have enabled Dr Blagojce Jovcevski from the
University of Adelaide to further his research into understanding
how neurodegenerative diseases originate and progress, to then
inform new biomarkers for diagnosis and even prevention!
42 | The Hospital Research Foundation Group Impact Report 2023