The Hospital Research Foundation Group Impact Report - Flipbook - Page 20
bowel cancer
Bowel cancer is the second-highest
cause of cancer death in Australia.
Almost 100% of people can be treated
successfully if their bowel cancer is
caught early, which is why it baffles
doctors that the stool-based screening
test only has a 50% completion rate.
Associate Professor Susan Woods
hopes to improve these rates by removing
the 'ick' factor altogether and developing
a pill-based test instead.
And thanks to your donations, A/Prof
Woods can fast-track her work on this
exciting diagnosis method! We look
forward to keeping you updated!
Do you pick up your dog’s poo?
Or change your baby’s nappy?
Triaging colonoscopies
If your at-home stool test does come
back positive, you will be referred for
a colonoscopy for further testing.
However, sometimes there is a long wait
for colonoscopies, so Associate Professor
Erin Symonds is working on a new way
to better triage those at higher risk.
20 | The Hospital Research Foundation Group Impact Report 2023
Then taking a sample of your
stool for the bowel cancer
screening test is no different!
If you’re over 50, do your test
today. It could save your life!