The Hospital Research Foundation Group Impact Report - Flipbook - Page 19
Identifying aggressive tumours
Current tests for detecting prostate cancer struggle
to accurately distinguish between aggressive
tumours requiring treatment, versus slow-growing
tumours that do not need to be treated at all.
With your donations, Associate Professor Luke Selth is
investigating whether a new type of blood marker can
differentiate between aggressive and slow-growing
tumours at the time of diagnosis, and therefore enable
more personalised treatment.
Fighting cancer in
more ways than one
Not only do the hard-working teams
at the Royal Adelaide Hospital save
lives from prostate cancer, they also
raise money for the cause as well!
During Prostate Cancer Awareness
Month in September, staff at the
Urology, Surgery, Outpatients,
Radiology, Oncology, Education
and Nursing Units fundraised for
our prostate cancer campaign.
Thanks to all the teams for their
tireless passion! If you too would
like to donate to cancer research,
please call our friendly team on
(08) 8244 1100 or visit www.
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